The Psycho Dynamics Of
Tachy Psyche
(The Pace Of Life And Death)

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Get Two Guns...Luke 22: 35-38

In A Life/Death Situation!

    That comes on quickly (e.g., gun fight, approaching automobile crash) or slowly (as in aging), there are certain things that happen biochemically in the body. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, thyroid hormone, ATP, and other chemicals are involved.

    People live at different rates. "Babies and children have higher metabolic rates (per gram) than adult humans. Thus children have faster heart and breathing rates and have more mitochondria and use more energy (per gram) than adults do. This is probably part of the reason that children appear to have more "energy" and appear to be living at a faster pace. Children rush around faster and more frequently and frenetically (wildly excited) change between different activities, topics of thought, and moods more rapidly than adults do.

    "Children also need to feed more often and sleep longer in order to maintain their higher energy levels. But they do appear to be living life at a faster pace than adults, and within their own frame of reference to time, the world must appear to be going very slowly. Thus, in childhood, minutes and days seem to pass very slowly, and the adult world must appear relatively slow and static." — The Energy of Life: The Science of What Makes Our Minds And Bodies Work, Guy Brown, Ph.D.

    The metabolic rate per gram of humans and other animals inexorably declines with age, from birth to death (and this means internal energy is going down and external time is going by faster, such that one's view of the external world is moving faster compared to our internal world of judgement or view)."

    "So old people have a slower metabolic rate than people in their twenties. Thus old people eat less, and they are less active. There are other reasons for these changes in old age, as we shall see, but the decline in metabolic rate contributes. The pace of life in general gets slower as we get older; our activities, thoughts, or moods change less frequently (‘set in his or her ways'); we do less and do new things less often. Within this slower (internal) reference frame of time, the rest of the (external) world seems to be going faster; hours, days, and years whiz by."— Ibid.

    "Social, psychological, and neurophysiological factors all play a role in determining the energy and pace of life. (But) Two hormones, thyroid hormone and adrenaline, have dramatic effects on our metabolic rate and our feelings of energy, and different people produce quite different levels of these hormones, resulting in different subject feelings of energy and pace of life."— Ibid.

    "The rate at which time appears to pass is not an objective (physical) property of the world. There is no such property in physics; indeed time does not flow at all in physics, and as many philosophers have pointed out, it makes no sense to measure the rate at which time flows (in this sense at least). However, there is such a subjective (existing in the mind) property—the sense of time passing quickly or slowly–and this is determined by the makeup of the organism. So it certainly is possible that your neighbor or your neighbor's cat experiences times as passing more quickly than you do. However, it is not possible to climb into someone else's head and experience that person's subjective sense of time, so we cannot definitely say that the subjective rate of living of different people or animals differs—but it seems likely."— Ibid.

    And therein lies the problem when speaking with the police, opposing counsel as well as your own counselor, judge and/or jury. You have to understand:

  • Tachy Psyche,

  • Tactical and Legal Decisions of Shooting,

  • The Four Elements That Must be Present to Use Lethal Force,

  • The Defensive Use of The Handgun, and

  • "How Close is Too Close."

    These other people are not in your skin; you have to make them think they are through your understanding of, and bringing out, the five (5) items listed, such that they experience, verbally, as much as possible, what and why you did what you had to do to stay alive. You must practice before a mirror the items listed to perfect your communication skills.

    "Energy and time are intimately related. When we are full of energy, enthused, scared, or excited, our body and mind are flooded with chemicals that make them go faster, and consequently the external world seems to go slow relative to our racing mind. Drugs that stimulate the brain's own arousal system, such as LSD and cocaine (working on the serotoniergic neurons and adrenergic (ad" ren–er' jik) fibers respectively), also massively distort the subjective sense of time, so that a "trip" can seem to last forever. To someone driving into a car crash, the world seems to go into slow motion, as the mind goes into overdrive.— Ibid.

    "But when we lack stimulation or excitement, the mind is starved of its natural "speed" drugs, so the external world and its hours, days, and years appear to flit (race or move from one spot to another quickly) by, like so many gnats. This may be part of the reason that time seems to go more slowly as we get older.

    "For a child, everything is new, producing excitement or fear, whereas we get older, less and less is really new experience, and we learn to hid from stimulation in a blanket of security. Hence, a child is either buzzing with excitement or bawling her head off with fear or fatigue, but an hour is an eternity, and a day seems to last forever. An old man may turn his life into a set of routines, repeating endlessly until death, blocking out all newness (and you become room temperature); there is no adrenaline in his life, and so time rips through the years."— Ibid.

    To keep stimulation in your life, you must study, read thought provoking books, work simple math and word problems, do cross–word puzzles, learn new words (we think in fields of imagery and words—either a working vocabulary; or, a thinking vocabulary—you need both!), exercise and follow a good diet, avoiding polyunsaturated fats, and ingest supplements and thyroid hormone (T3).

Formation of Memory

    "The subjective sense of time may also be related to how much we remember. People who have lost the ability to lay down memories, as can occur in certain types of brain damage, live in the eternal present. If we remember everything, then an hour is filled with an infinite number of happenings, but if we remember nothing, it will appear that nothing happened in that hour. And when we are aroused or excited, we remember more, because adrenaline and noradrenaline stimulate the formation of memories." — Ibid. (See also Marieb, Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd ed. – 6th ed., pp. 494–5).

    That's partly why significant or traumatic events (gun fight, rape, deaths, etc.) may be remembered in such detail, while boring days are hard to remember at all. Jim McGaugh at the University of California at Irvine has shown that if rats are given a shot of adrenaline right after learning something, they have an enhanced ability to remember it later. And when humans were given a drug that blocked the actions of adrenaline and then read an emotional story, they were less able subsequently to remember the details of the story." Beta Blockers are one such drug. See The Great Courses: Stress and Your Body, Professor Robert Sapolsky, Stanford University, 2010.


Dr. "B" uses these procedures for enhancing learning by generating a certain amount of stress in his classes and then raises it to a slightly higher level, either through the exercises on the Gun Range, or through imagery, or through word choices.

Dr. "B" uses these modalities to cement the learning in his students' minds. Most do not know why he is doing this, even though he explains it to them! He has to develop them, because he wants them to live through a stress–fire situation. Many, at first, are slightly irritated, and those very ones have come back years later and said, "Had you not been the way you were in class, it would not have been there for me when I needed it most. I love you."

    "This demonstrated that even the mild arousal of reading an emotional story was sufficient to enhance the laying down of memory via the increase in adrenaline levels."

    So excitement may speed us up, and thus slow down the external world, partly by enhancing memory." —The Energy of Life, Guy Brown; pp. 66–76.

    This explains Tachy Psyche events. You remember things moving faster because inside you, you're moving faster, and external events (things outside) are moving slower. This is why you don't make statements to the press or the police other than the basic facts. Let the facts speak for themselves because your time is different from the clock time of the shooting event as well as spatial relationships (how close he was, how many shots were fired, etc.)


  • Without internal stimulation (adrenaline, noradrenaline, and other chemicals, thyroid, ATP, etc.) we move slower inside and thus view the external (outside) world as moving faster which implies ( ) "The older we get, the faster times goes by." —ibid.,pp. 72–75.

  • With internal stimulation (increased adrenaline, noradrenaline, thyroid, etc.) the external world or time appears to be going very slow. —ibid.,pp. 73. We do not feel like we are being left behind.

  • What to do:

    • Learn the five principles of a gun fight encounter.

      • Tachy Psyche
      • Tactical and Legal Decisions of Shooting,
      • The Four Elements That Must be Present to Use Lethal Force
      • The Defensive Use of The Handgun
      • "How Close is Too Close."

    • If you are a senior citizen and feel that time is slipping by you (see above and 'I'.), then try the following supplements for adrenal support:

      • Ginseng
      • Raw adrenal
      • Glycyrrhiza, from licorice. It decreases the amount of hydrocortisone metabolized by the liver, thus reducing the adrenal gland workload. Check your blood pressure regular as this form could raise it. You could try the deglycyrrhized form, but this may not have enough activity to support the adrenal glands.
      • DHEA
      • Vitamin C

"Remember! Do Not Let The Threat Get Between You And Your Gun!"

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